+36-70 (932) 8095
Dr. Farad Ghazaei

Studien von Implantation und protetischen Lösungen bei Kieferschwund Patienten: ISOSS, Université Paris-Est Crétéil / Paris University XII, Paris & Cannes, Frankreich
Graduierung zu dr. med. dent. an der Zahnmedizinischen Fakultät der
Semmelweis Universität, Budapest, Ungarn
Graduierung zu BSc der Biowissenschaften an der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften der McMaster Universität, Hamilton, Kanada

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Accepted publications and presentations:
1. Treatment concept for extremely atrophic. mandibula renouncing on grafts and heavy surgery in bone heights of less than 5mm. XXII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, P-382, F. Ghazaei, F. Spahn
2. Case Description of a New Graftless Solution for a Patient with Complete Alveolar Ridge Loss in the Molar Part of the Maxilla. Polish Association of Implantologists Poznan, May 2013, David-Adam; Ghazaei-Farhad
Please read the reviews from Dr. Ghazaei’s patients coming from different parts of the world in the following links: http://www.whatclinic.com/dentists/hungary/budapest/biodent-esthetic-dentistry/reviews